Tuesday, 6 November 2007

#10 Play around with Image Generators

I've just played around with the Image Generators and had some fun and some frutration. The Generator blog has some great stuff and I had a look at a number of things. I played around with a few things that I didn't have to sign up for and I even have something to show for it. Well I thought I did because i can't get the images I mde in letterjames.com and in the fantasy pony site in Generator blog off the PC I'm working on. AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!

If I can figure out what I've done wrong I'll have to post them later. Otherwise you'll just have to take my word for it.

The FD Toys I found a little frustrating because I didn't have any photos to use.
Hang on just had a thought. You may not see it in today's post because I'm running out of time, but I might try to figure out which items I could use in FD Toys so I can show the images I produced using the other two image generators today.

Leave it with me folks!!!

P.S. If you haven't already done so check out some of the name generators in Generator Blog, they're an absolute crack up. I had a go at the name generator that works out an elf name for you and frankly I'm keeping mine to myself. Yeah I know that's not fair, but hey at least in Elf Land I'll know who I am.

1 comment:

Nice Guy said...

Generate more fun images online @ CustomSignGenerator.com.