Friday 26 October 2007

Last bit of info for RSS feeds

Morning, Afternoon and Evening all depending on which time zone your reading this is.
Just a final thing to add about RSS feeds before I move onto the next subject for Learning 2.0.
I have found two library related blogs show you all.


Feel free to explore, as I leave you now to move onto the next topic.

Friday 19 October 2007

Well I never!

The Mary Ellen Bates link to her website does work on my last blog. Just Google for her blog if you like or otherwise when you're exploring you can access her blog from there.

Mary Ellen Bates

This is a quick message for week Three Blogging and specifically in relation to information and technology. Some of you out in Library Land may have already heard of her or even had the opportunity to meet her. I hope it was the latter because I thought she was great.

I'm talking about Mary Ellen Bates. She is from America and has a business specialising in business research and research training for businesses. When I got to meet Mary Ellen she had come to Australia to run sessions on Power Training with the Pros. She was funny, very informative and very interesting to listen to. Mary Ellen has extensive experience in specialised libraries and in research, especially online research.

If you get a chance check out her blog, which many of you probably already know about called Librarian of Fortune and also look at her website Where are the links? Hey, I haven't go to that weeks training yet.

Anyway, after checking out Mary Ellen's website sign up for her online newsletters. I get regular online newsletters with useful information regarding search tips, websites to check out and generally anything to do with exploring the web. The most recent contribution I received was about language translation sites. This couldn't have come at a better time for me because I may be heading to South Africa in October next year for a wedding. There are a number languages spoken in South Africa but the people I will be meeting are Afrikaan. So I was able to have a bit of a play around with a couple of the sites and found some basic phrases I might need. Then if I want to get serious about trying to learn some more I can download from one of the suggested websites.

That's my techno plug for this week. Explore and enjoy!